Simon Oskarsson


My interest for computer programming and software development started back in the mid-80’s, when I acquired my first computer - a used Commodore 64. All my friends were heavily into playing computer games at that time, but since I proved to be a pretty crappy gamer, I started to explore programming instead, and have not stopped since.

I immediately fell in love with the way I could be creative and playful, learn things and challenge myself at the same time. Pretty quickly I got involved in the so-called demo scene (a sub culture for showing off your artistic and programming skills) and started to create so-called computer demos with my team, competing against others teams at demo parties. Our team consisted of people from all over Sweden, and even other countries. In retrospect I realise that, as young teenagers we were working on projects together in self-organising distributed teams. We were using the ways of remote communication available at the time, which was the telephone, letters with floppies and sometimes modems. All of this gave me some really valuable lessons that proved to be essential throughout my work life. What happened to the demo scene and the team? Well, we are still doing things together, on Commodore 64, Amiga and other retro platforms, going to demo parties and competing with other teams.

Working with software engineering gives me a perfect mix of creativity and structure. The feeling when you create something of value with your team, or solve a complex problem together is awesome. I believe strongly in the ability of people working together in a playful manner, to make bits and bytes come to life. It gives me a great feeling when I see people helping each other out and learning together. To coach people to learn, explore and push their abilities further is something I want to dive deeper into in the future.

Outside of the office, I enjoy spending as much time as I can with my wife and daughter, meeting friends, and occasionally enjoying a good run. And of course, retro coding.

Simon Oskarsson



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