Press release
A message from our CEO: Board of directors and new investment update.
DownloadAbout us
tretton37 is a Swedish technology consultancy company established in 2010 with over 300 employees, 5 offices in two European countries. It is known for its innovative practices within technology consulting - towards clients and employees. Their defining characteristics are their knowledge sharing and focus on individualized, empathic mentorship as a way to enable growth.
Their clients are from various industries and geographical markets including Scandinavia, Europe, USA, and the Middle East. Among them are Mitsubishi, Deutsche Bahn, Thule, Klarna, CDON, Chroma, Budbee, several Fortune 500 companies, and many others.
Some of their projects have resulted in cost savings of over 4.7 million USD per year and have reduced manual labor by 78%. Their progressive approach to technology has opened new markets and revenue streams for several European market leaders, and given others the competitive edge needed to stay relevant in today’s ever changing market.
They are proud of their numerous community initiatives that span from increasing minorities in tech through mentorship to co-investing into the first technology hub in Slovenia.