Nina Lundberg

Nina Lundberg

I'm really looking forward to start my journey with 1337. So far in my working life I've worked within retail and service, so1337 will be a completely new opportunity for me, which is great.

I've now lived in Stockholm 3 years, but most of my career I've lived in the UK and moved back to Sweden 2018. I've also lived in Germany and was brought up in Skåne, so I've moved around a lot which has been meaningful as it's given me the opportunity to meet a lot of different people and cultures. Developing myself and people around me has always been of high importance for me. I like new challenges and I like solving problems. Creating solutions to make the day to day work easier is such a great satisfaction for me.

I'm a very social person who likes to be around people. I always brag about how good I am at table tennis but feel like I will be put to the test after seeing you have a table in the lunch room in Stockholm. Other things I enjoy are traveling, music (talk to me about Oasis and we can talk for hours), gigs, cinema, and long dinners with friends or drinks in dive bars. Like Moira Rose would say - "this wine is terrible, get me another glass!"


Nina Lundberg


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