Jakob Lindblad

Jakob Lindblad


My interest in coding started in high school by building silly web pages in ancient technologies. Since then I've managed to pick up a Bachelor in Informatics and moved from my home town Varberg to Lund.

Fundamentally, I am a very competitive person and I have a consistent drive towards self-improvement and development. Within the field of programming, there are endless development opportunities and a bottomless pool of knowledge to access which motivates me to continuously challenge myself by learning new techniques - as well as building on existing experience.

To get the opportunity to use something new that I have learnt gives me a great level of satisfaction. At present, I am focusing on developing my knowledge within frontend which will enable me to become a more well-rounded fullstack-developer. The last couple of years I've spent most of my working time in .NET but have also been doing some minor work in frontend.

During my spare time, I enjoy playing computer games with friends as well as trying to improve in various technologies by doing small projects and taking online courses. I also have an almost unhealthy relationship with history and can spend hours watching documentaries covering random historic events.


Jakob Lindblad



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