Carl Nilsson

Carl Nilsson


Ever since I was a kid I've always been interested in computers. It started with gaming, primarily World of Warcraft. I later discovered video editing, visual effects, and music composing, and during my teens, I was convinced that my career would be to become a VFX artist or film composer like Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore. Although, I soon realized that actually working with such hobbies would be extremely tough, but I had heard that programming would be just as fun, while a bit more forgiving.

After high-school, I, therefore, moved down to Lund to study Data Science at LTH. I fell in love with coding instantly, and by the time I had to choose my masters, machine learning had just gotten popular again. I took every course I could find about the subject, and in 2018 I completed my master's thesis in ML at Jayway in Malmö, where I stayed for an additional 3 years to play around even more with ML, data science, data analytics, data engineering, cloud, etc.

I now seek to continue this adventure at Tretton37, and possibly find even more like-minded people to obsess about Data and ML!


Carl Nilsson



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