Consultant vs. “Consultant”: What is the Difference?

Consultant vs. “Consultant”: What is the Difference?

Understanding the Distinct Roles in Tech Projects

Learn the key differences between Consultants and "Consultants" (contractors). This article will help info you when to hire a consultant and when to hire a contractor to maximise your tech project's success and ensure you get the right expertise for your needs.

The Distinct Roles of "Consultants" (Contractors) and Consultants in tech Projects

Understanding the distinct roles of "consultants" (or in English terms - Contractors) and Consultants is crucial for organisations looking to maximise their project outcomes. While both roles provide specialised skills and expertise, they address different needs and bring unique advantages and challenges to the table.

It's important to emphasise that in Sweden, the term "consultants" describes both of these roles, highlighting a unique approach where consultants are utilised for a wide range of tasks, whether short-term project-based work or ongoing, higher level and advisory roles.

This article explores the key differences between "consultants" (contractors) and consultants, drawing on various sources and expert insights to clarify when each is most beneficial.

"Consultants" (Contractors): Task-Oriented Specialists

Consultants when hired in the role of contractors are often hired for their ability to perform specific tasks within a defined timeframe. They bring specialised skills that may not be available within the hiring organisation, allowing companies to quickly address immediate project needs without the long-term commitment of a full-time employee. This makes them an excellent choice for businesses needing quick solutions without the commitment of a long-term hire.

Key Characteristics of "Consultants" (Contractors)

Contractors play a vital role in completing specific, task-oriented projects within an organisation. Their engagement is typically short-term and highly focused on executing particular tasks that require immediate attention.

This makes them an excellent choice for businesses needing quick solutions without the commitment of a long-term hire. Below are the key characteristics that define "consultants" (contractors) and set them apart from strategic advisors like consultants:

  1. Specificity and Execution: Contractors focus on executing predefined tasks. Their primary objective is to deliver tangible results, such as developing software, managing IT systems, or completing other specific assignments.
  2. Short-Term Engagement: Contractors  are typically engaged on a temporary basis, often through fixed-term contracts or project-based agreements.
  3. Flexibility and Autonomy: Contractors usually have the flexibility to choose their projects and negotiate their terms. This allows them to adapt to varying project requirements and align their compensation with the complexity and duration of their work.
  4. Cost Efficiency: Hiring contractors can be more cost-effective in the short term, particularly for projects that require specific skills for a limited period. A study by Toptal found that while the upfront costs for contractors might seem lower, the total cost of ownership, including indirect costs, can be significantly higher for full-time employees compared to contractors​.

Key Characteristics of Consultants (Strategic Advisors)

Consultants, on the other hand, are engaged for their broad expertise and advisory capabilities. They provide strategic insights, help solve complex problems, and offer recommendations that can enhance an organisation’s overall performance and IT infrastructure.

Key Characteristics of Consultants:

  1. Advisory Role: Consultants engage in a more advisory capacity, providing expert guidance and strategic recommendations to help organisations achieve long-term objectives.
  2. Broad Expertise: Consultants often have extensive experience across multiple IT domains, enabling them to address complex challenges and align solutions with the organisation's broader goals.
  3. Long-Term Relationships: Consultants typically have longer engagements, which may extend beyond specific projects to include ongoing support and strategic planning.
  4. High-Level Expertise: Consultants often possess specialised skills and expertise in specific areas, such as architecture, security, and optimisation. Due to their strategic impact and extensive expertise, consultants usually command higher fees. Their compensation reflects the value they bring in terms of improving processes, optimising performance, and achieving strategic goals.

When to Hire a "Consultant" (Contractor)

Organisations should consider hiring contractors when they have well-defined projects that require specific skills and have a clear endpoint. Contractors are ideal for:

  • Completing specific tasks within a project’s defined scope.
  • Providing specialised skills that are not available in-house.
  • Quickly addressing immediate project demands without long-term commitments.

For example, a company may hire a contractor to develop a new software application or manage a short-term IT project that requires specific technical expertise when they already know the scope, timeframe, and well-defined tasks they need to complete to finish the project.

When to Hire a Consultant

Consultants are best suited for situations where the organisation needs strategic advice and comprehensive solutions. They are valuable when:

  • Addressing complex, high-level problems that require broad expertise and strategic insights.
  • Implementing long-term improvements in processes and performance.
  • Seeking guidance on navigating new challenges or transforming and evolving business operations.

For instance, an organisation might hire a consultant to optimise its IT infrastructure, start and complete a digital transformation journey, or improve overall business processes that will directly affect their ROI, customer service, decrease wait times,  optimise sales funnels, and more.

The tretton37 Difference: More Than Just Consultants

At tretton37, we understand that the term “consultant” can be misleading, especially in the Swedish context where it is used for various roles. We differentiate ourselves by offering true problem-solving consultants who provide real value beyond just completing tasks.

Let’s take a look at what that means in practice.

Why tretton37 Consultants Stand Out:

  1. Mentor, Coach And Upskill Your Teams: Our consultants mentor and coach your team, ensuring knowledge transfer and skill enhancement even after the consultant leaves at the end of the project.
  2. Empathy And Deep Business Understanding: We take the time to thoroughly understand your business processes and goals. Because in tech there are no cookie-cutter solutions and no two businesses are alike. Knowing this when starting a partnership with our clients, allows us to offer tailored solutions that address your specific challenges and integrate seamlessly with your existing systems.
  3. Scalable Solutions: We develop solutions that not only address your current business needs, but also scale with your business as it grows. Therefore focusing on eliminating technical debt.
  4. Creative Problem Solving: We continuously invest in professional development and knowledge-sharing activities for our consultants. This ensures they are always equipped with the latest technological insights and innovative solutions to tackle your business challenges creatively.
  5. Sustainable Impact: Our approach guarantees lasting positive change by embedding robust systems and processes. We make a real impact and leave behind more than just completed tasks, ensuring long-term success and improved performance for our clients.

What Makes Consulting Effective

  1. Building genuine relationships based on trust, empathy, and open communication enables successful collaborations and long-term partnerships.
  2. A collaborative approach, facilitating change and co-creating solutions with clients that leads to more sustainable and impactful results.
  3. And successful consultants take part in continuous self-development. Developing self-awareness, skills, and capacity to both listen and influence bring the most meaningful results for their clients. The commitment to personal growth ensures that consultants remain effective and relevant in a constantly evolving field.


Understanding the distinct roles and benefits of "consultants" (contractors) and consultants can help organisations make informed decisions about which type of professional to engage based on their specific needs and drive overall success.

Contractors are essential for task-oriented projects requiring immediate expertise, while consultants provide strategic guidance and long-term solutions to enhance organisational performance.



Simon Bohlin
Simon Bohlin
Caroline Linzenbold
Caroline Linzenbold