Jens Norell


A wise man once said that there is nothing more meaningful, or useful, than to struggle with all your soul on behalf of the good.To me, this means being the best fellow human you can be, being genuine in what you do, and concretely: to solve problems to make the world a little bit better.

With the emergence of machine learning, I feel like we have been given an amazing tool with which to improve upon the world.There is one particular example which really sparked my interest in machine learning: Google creating the app “Nuru” that could reliably identify illnesses in the African plant cassava, enabling farmers to treat sick plants and thereby have more successful harvests, potentially saving thousands of lives.My goal is to improve within the area of machine learning and create things like Nuru.

I majored in economics with a focus on econometrics, and amongst other things, have worked with managing the national debt. While this certainly is interesting, I have discovered my interests lie elsewhere and have thus shifted towards data science and software development.

Outside of work, I have my own company where I make an app, and I play a few instruments. I also enjoy reading, gaming, working out and cooking, provided it’s a team effort. The occasional beer conversing over interesting topics is also very enjoyable.

Jens Norell



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