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Dagens industri IT och strategi conference 2022: Lay the foundation for innovation

Dagens industri IT och strategi conference 2022: Lay the foundation for innovation

Lay the foundation for innovation - how to create a structure that promotes innovative thinking.

Where do the best product ideas come from? In most companies, the ideas are in a completely different place than where you chose to look. This has led to a wrong view of recruitment, team structure, and organization but above all, leadership in digital organizations. How can we set up our organizations to get the best out of our software competencies? How do we create a bigger impact with fewer resources? In this video you will learn which factors create an environment where innovative ideas can come to life and grow. You will hear how additive culture can help, how you can lead with context, and how you involve your product teams in the business. But above all, why you should keep your development organization in your core business in order to achieve maximum benefit in your digitization.

Video is in Swedish.


Martin Mazur
Martin Mazur